Ok... I don't understand the dresses with the leggings. Especially leggings with lace trim on the bottom. It makes me cringe. Do girls really take fashion advance from Lindsay Lohan? Come on... LiLo (a term from Nymag.com's The Cut) is a train wreck... so do you want to be as well?
This doesn't look flattering on her at all. It doesn't show any shape to her body. She is also wearing flip flops. I know living in California makes you want to wear flips flops, but white patent leather ones with a wooden sole and black tights over a dress?!
I caught this fashion DON'T while I was on my college campus. She is not the only victim with this problem. While walking from and to two different classes, I spotted 5 different girls that loved wearing leggings with either a baggy shirt or a dress with flip flops. I do have this bias against flip flops, even though there is nothing wrong with wearing them. (Sorry, they just disgust me because of all the dirt built up on your feet by having them so exposed. I hope people that constantly wear flip flops... constantly wash their feet.)
Just because LiLo is planning to start a leggings line in the near future, doesn't mean you should be wearing them from now until then.

granted. they're not the peggy-bundy-esque pair.
MINE reach down to the ankle, sans lace. nay lace. nay...
&, I WOULD, or rather HAVE worn them with my salt water sandals.
or. i would wear socks over those leggings..and shoes over those socks.
and tights.
i love tights.
mainly because.
these glowsticks that you would call legs, don't tan.
leggings.. at least ankle leggings. are my friends.. for now. =)
I love tights.. especially full tights in all colors... but when it comes to wearing footless leggings and flip flops... that is where I draw the line.
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