(Moschino Cheap and Chic jacket, Alice Temperley for Target black long sleeve dress, black tights with poc-a-dot tights from Target, wine colored Marc Jacobs Collection lace ups and unknown scarf)
The pictures that are taken were really high resolution quality, but every time I re-size a photo (in Paint program... haha) it gets really grainy. Also, don't mind the random flash going on... John just got this camera and he doesn't know what he is doing.. So I really didn't know when he was taking a picture or not.
I had some friends and family come over to raid my closet. *sigh* I've moved so much and I've gotten rid of so much, because in the short amount of time I've been in SF... I moved 4 different times. Each time so many pieces get taken away... it's hard for me to let go of stuff, but I figure if someone will enjoy it way more than I can, then why not?
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