I don't understand the whole sensation with crocs. They aren't flattering and they don't look comfortable either. It's just basically a rain boot (but chunkier looking) that has been hole punched so you can wear them during the summer. These things are everywhere and it needs to stop. I'm sure anyone that owns a pair has more than one.
In 2007, crocs increased an amazing 607%. That's just insane. They made $830 million last year on these shoes, which made them the top growth in revenue. Now they are banking on cellphone accessories. I don't know who will actually buy these things, but when I spotted these... I couldn't help but cringe.
Other brands that made it on the top ten list are Sketchers and Steve Maddens. Two other brands I just dislike. They are poorly made shoes and they are knockoffs of everything. I guess in a way, it's a good thing because people are able to afford Steve Maddens over Manolos but they are so uncomfortable. I worked in a shoe department for the longest time so I got to see the quality of the shoes after so much wear from people. These things just loved to fall apart, but they were really popular, so I'm not surprised by their increase in revenue.
But trust me, you will never catch me in any pairs of these shoes...
i think it is HILARIOUS that you posted something about crocs. I have a friend (who shall not be named... ...ever) who wanted a pair. Apparently, these shoes are just supposed to be really ergonomic therefore really good for the feet... and i always thought that crocs (or any other spawn brand that duplicated crocs) designed these shoes purely as a statement. It's the ANTI-HEEL for women's feet. Because girl... HEELS are CRAZYYYY and although QUITE beautiful, it can cause major damage to your feet. Corn rolls, arthritis. you name it... so is it a statement? UGLY SHOES = HEALTHY FEET. INSANELY GORGEOUS SHOES = NOT SO HEALTHY FEET.... unless. your "GELLIN'" hahahhhaha. have you seen the commercial? BAH!
corn.. not corn rolls. HHAHAHAHA. unless you're braiding the hairs on your feet.
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