Seriously... this place is out of control. John and I stopped by here for hot chocolate, not knowing what to expect. We just thought it was just a regular chocolate shop. I swear to you that the hot chocolate was so intense I could even finish a third of my small tea cup. It was so incredibly thick. The one that John got was dark chocolate and it was thick like puddling... but so AMAZINGLY good. Our waitress (it's a part chocolate store and part chocolate cafe) said that if you wanted to take it home and refrigerate it, it turns into mousse.

John has the biggest sweet tooth. EVER. I mean it's so hilarious and I love it. He had to get chocolates too. I thought we were going to have them to go... but no... we had to try them there.

While on vacation in NYC with John... I was eating something at every place we went. I mean, it started to hurt. Lol. But... awww man... everything was so good.