I've never been able to define who I am or what group I fit best in. I try to think of myself as someone that doesn't ever really fit the mold. Some people complain about what people talk about when they are at any kind of show, but you can't help but do so. The people there have a lot to do with the vibe that is given and what the show might end up being like.

I was trying to look around to find someone with really great fashion taste. Anything that was unique, like a pin or brooch, how they tied their scarf; anything. But instead, I just saw a sea of thrift store clothing that smelled like they just bought it that afternoon. There is a certain way a show smells sometimes. It's a mix of an old stale attic with old dusty clothes and body odor that has been sitting around for 3 days that doesn't get washed. *plugs nose*
I love thrift store shopping. I find the coolest jewelry, belts and old granny sweaters, but I don't wear it like it that's were I bought it from. There is a huge difference between the two. I like going to a thrift store for the hunt. I'm not there to look for an outfit that should have never been produced in the 80s.
There was a few girls that I found in the crowd that dressed really well. One in particular had a fedora hat, white wife beater and jeans. Her makeup was definitely inspired by Amy Winehouse and she looked cool and collected together. It didn't look like she was trying to hard to impress anybody, which is something that everyone should do.

Considering this was my first warehouse show in Oakland. It was great. It reminded me of how I was when I was a teen; going to 3 or more shows a week for no more than $5 each. It was a really fun time in life when you didn't need to worry about anything. *sigh* Good times.