April 24, 2008


Since this blog is really new to me... I don't know what direction I want to go into. Besides giving you fashion news which is something that MANY (upon many) blogs/news sources already do... what would you like to hear from me? Or what would you like to see?

I really don't want this to start being about something negative, which an important someone said to me last night.

What I'd really like to do is do something like The Sartorialist but obviously with my own kind of twist. Since I do not live in an extreme major city, it's really hard to find people with style. It's not like I'm able to go to these great cities all over the world and be able to walk around for hours to photograph people. I don't even have a camera (which will change in the next few months by the way), but in the mean time, I'd like you guys to direct me towards something that would work best for me. I don't want it to be a repeat of something else that is REALLy easy thing to do. So what do you think?

If you can't comment... please email me.


V said...

i think it's fine to write your opinion on things. negative is fine. but you could also do something positive. i think you can write stories of things you find in your LOCAL sacramento. why not? you find good stuff EVERYWHERE. it's like fate. ahhhahaha.

write about things you LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE. random things. thought of the day. things that inspire you. something you saw. something someone said and relate it to fashion. everything relates somehow, find it.

FashionEtiquette said...

thanks vee. i will def keep that in mind. i really appreciate your feedback.

Los Codos said...

you do have a good eye for finding not only amazing things, but good deals too.

when are you coming to visit again?